So ya got questions? Answers to the most common ones are below.


Q. Are these real products?

A. These are real ADULT gag gifts, intended for 18+ recipients. The mailers contain a post card with some sort of "prank" message, and your custom message should you chose to include one.   None of the mailers actually include used undies, or guides. You'll need to check another website for real products!!


Q. Who is the intended audience?

A. ADULTS ONLY, AND WE MEAN IT!!!  This is intended to be a gag gift enjoyed by adults, DO NOT SEND THIS TO A MINOR.  If we get a complaint that you addressed a package to a minor, you and the minor will be blacklisted. 


Q. Are they sent anonymously?

A. Yes, these are sent 100% anonymously, unless you elect to include a custom message (at no charge). 


Q. Can I send multiple mailers to different people at once? 

A. We encourage it!! Just note they need to be separate orders unless you want them all delivered to the same address at the same time.


Q. Can you tell me who sent this?

A.  No! People are paying for anonymity, we will not release their identity for any reason.   If you don't wish to receive future packages send us an email contactus@stiffgifts.com, and we will put you on the blacklist.   Keep in mind this blacklist is only good for THAT ADDRESS.   Lots of people have the same name, if you move and someone sends you another package it will not trigger the blacklist. 


Q. How is this mailed?

A. All packages are mailed via USPS. 


Q. Where can it be mailed?

A. We ship to the US and Canada only. Sorry rest of the world, you'll have to wait your turn. 


Any other questions contact us at: contactus@stiffgifts.com